

“ Physical places, how we do not know, seem to give back some of the affection that we put into them. The more we appreciate and care for them, the more they seem to open to the hearts of men.”

Carlos Garrido (2006), “La mirada de Laurens”. Ed La Foradada.

The aesthetic entity is capable of fostering mutual communication between man and nature, especially in the sense of belonging to a place. Sentiment wants beauty, scenery and empathy.

Such subtle sensitivity encourages us from our first impression of the landscape until the project is successfully carried out, working with the feeling of unity between nature, construction and people, modifying what is essential and contributing to the emotional

The aesthetic concepts of the landscape are the objective of the work we perform, hoping that they will be coherent, contextual and integrated by means of their values, tradition, culture, history …

Fleeing from preconceived images, nostalgias and simplifications, we try to respect the landscape of the place according to its own attributes and according to the objectives technical interests, applied emotionally, contribute positively to architecture and emotionally to the human spirit.